- Power Line (Feeder) is identified by the voltage of the line. 765, 400, 220, 132, 66, 33, 11 and 0.4 KV lines (feeders)
- The line of different voltage is according to the load capacity and distance parameters of the power supply.
- For the same power supply, there is less loss in the high voltage line and more loss in the low voltage line. Line loss is proportional to the square of the current.
- There are Line interruption (break down) mainly due to phase to earth contact (earth fault), phase to phase contact (over current fault), or both (earth fault and over current fault), and an open circuit fault. Power lines are also particularly affected due to weather (rain, storm, cyclone, flood, arson, incident, movement).
Three types of maintenance are done with the view to improve the power supply system -
1- Periodic (time bound) maintenance - usually twice in a year (post monsoon or before Diwali and second pre monsoon/before monsoon)
2 - Corrective Maintenance - Whenever such shortcomings come in the electrical system and they are not rectified in time, then there will be a disturbance in the coming time, so such problems are rectified in advance.
3 - Break down (interruption) maintenance - When the power system is interrupted (stopped) due to fault, then the system is regularized only by removing the fault. In the first two repair works, the electrical system is not broken down, but the repair work is done by taking shutdown.