See below for English description.
Le printemps est une saison merveilleuse, si ce n'est l'arrivée de milliards de mouches noires et de maringouins. Mais Hélène a une solution...
One day Helen wakes up and it's SPRING! The snow has melted and the sun is shining. But Helen knows that the blackflies will be coming out soon. So she does what any smart kid would do: she sends her little sister outdoors to check! When the blackflies and mosquitoes carry her away, Helen tells her dad, who rushes outside and is carried away himself. Now Helen needs to rescue BOTH of them, along with a wolf and a very clever bear. . .
Original title: Blackflies
About the Author: Robert Munsch est l'auteur de dizaines de livres dont Tes chaussettes sentent la mouffette!, Allez ouste, l'orignal! et C'est MA chambre! Il a ?crit ce livre pour une petite fille qui habite ? Fort McMurray, en Alberta, un endroit o? il y a BEAUCOUP de bestioles au printemps.
Jay Odjick est artiste, ?crivain et membre de la communaut? algonquine Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg. Il a cr des bandes dessin?es, produit la s?rie d'animation Kagagi: The Raven, diffus?e au Canada, aux ?tats-Unis et en Australie, et a illustr? le livre Emma's Gift.
Robert Munsch is the author of dozens of bestselling books, including Smelly Socks, Braids! and So Much Snow! He wrote this story for a girl in Fort McMurray, Alberta, where there are gazillions of blackflies in the spring. He lives in Guelph, Ontario.
Jay Odjick is an artist and writer from the Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg Algonquin community, just outside of Maniwaki, Quebec. He has created comic books and produced the animated TV series Kagagi: The Raven, which airs in Canada, the US and Australia. He previously illustrated Robert Munsch's story The Ocean Goes On Forever, which appears in the anthology Munsch Mania.