I Fundamental Principles.
1 Preliminary Mathematics.
1 Vector Space. 2 Inner Product Space. 3 Coordinate System and Basis. 4 Vector Analysis. 5 Tensor Analysis. 6 Fourier and Laplace Transforms. References.
2 Continuum Thermo-Mechanics.
7 Kinematics. 8 Balance Equations. 9 Classical Constitutive Equations. 10 Thermodynamics. 11 Principle of Constitutive Equation. References.
3 Statistical Mechanics.
12 Probability Theory. 13 Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics. 14 Brownian Motion. References.
4 Polymer Physics.
15 Polymer Structure. 16 Chain Conformation and Size of Polymer Chain. 17 Polymer Solution. 18 Rubber Elasticity. References.
II Linear Viscoelasticity.
5 Theory of Linear Viscoelasticity.
19 Fundamental Theory. 20 Measurement of Linear Viscoelasticity. 21 Phenomenological Models. 22 Molecular Theories. References.
6 Numerical Methods.
23 Polynomial Regression. 24 Nonlinear Regression. 25 Padé Approximation. 26 Numerical Integration and Differentiation. 27 Discrete Fourier Transform. References.
7 Viscoelastic Spectrum.
28 Fundamentals. 29 Algorithms for Continuous Spectrum. 30 Algorithms for Discrete Spectrum. References.
8 Time-Temperature Superposition.
31 Fundamentals of TTS. 32 Geometric Interpretation. 33 Algorithms for TTS. References.
9 Applications to Polymer Systems.
34 Inter-conversion of Various Experimental Data. 35 Polymer Melts and Solutions. 36 Immiscible Blend of Polymers. References.
III Nonlinear Viscoelasticity.
10 Nonlinear Constitutive Equations. 37 Rheometrics. 38 Models Based on Expansion. 39 Generalization of Linear Viscoelastic Models. 40 Models Based on Speculation of Structure. 41 Thermodynamic Theory. References.
11 Large Amplitude Oscillatory Shear.
42 Introduction to LAOS. 43 Methods of Analysis. 44 Analytical Solution of LAOS. 45 Semi-Analytical Method for LAOS. References.
Functional Derivative.
Subject Index.
About the Author: Prof. Cho's research is oriented to investigation of rheological and dynamic behaviors of polymer and related materials. His research interests are constitutive theory of nonlinear viscoelasticity and irreversible thermodynamics and characterization of structure of complex fluids by use of nonlinear viscoelastic measurements (eg. LAOS). He has high reputation world wide and one of the top 3 rheologists in Korea.