In the space time continuum as the human ascended
from stone-age man to its now present form. The
earthling is now reaching to the stars. Does that
mean it is going back in time to become an anomaly
waiting to be awoken with the magic words?
Whatever the future holds right now it is in the grip of
destruction. From greed, global warming and disease. With
neither faction willing to capitulate for the good of others. It
is clearly a simple fact that unless the future is secured for the
next generation, then it shall not be allowed to create a future.
Birth: Space-Time-Continuum
P.S. Note: Your endeavor if you should choose is to
give your expertise to the planet Earth or lose it.
As the human hides behind the war
machine, there is future vision.
So as fate is sealed it will not let you force the
issue, the end shall be just what it is.