1.1 Background of human activity recognition
1.2 Common used sensor types
1.3 Vision-based human activity related topics
This chapter will provide an overview of the V-HAR, introducing what types of topics are included in V- HAR and what types of application scenarios are available. A brief introduction of deep learning and computer vision will also be illustrated.
2. Vision-based hand gesture recognition
2.1 Introduction of hand gesture recognition
2.2 3d hand pose estimation based on depth sensor
2.3 Dynamic hand gesture recognition based on sequential images
2.4 Conclusion and and unsettled problems
This chapter will introduce the hand-related interaction topics including hand pose estimation, static and dynamic hand gesture recognition. The corresponding deep learning approach will be given. Some applications will also be introduced.
3. Vision-based facial state recognition
3.1 Introduction of facial related topics
3.2 Appearance-based head pose estimation
3.3 Eye gaze estimation based on facial feature
3.4 Conclusion and unsettled problems
This chapter mainly includes head pose estimation, eye gaze estimation, and eye fixation estimation. The corresponding deep learning approach and application will be elaborated. The research progress will be also presented.
4. Vision-based body activity recognition
4.1 Introduction of body activtiy recognition
4.2 Body pose estimation based on multi-scale network
4.3 Skeleton-based activity recognition
4.4 Emerging technique for human body acitivity
4.5 Conclusion and unsettled problems
This chapter will describe the body-related interaction topics including body pose estimation, dynamic action recognition, and body reconstruction. The research progress and approach will be introduced.
5. Human attention modelling
5.1 Visual saliency introduction
5.2 Data-driven human attention map estimation
5.3 Context-aware human focus estimation
5.4 Conclusion and unsettled problems
This chapter will illustrate how to estimate the human attention and discuss the relationship with the visual saliency of the environment. It will be introduced wherever it can be applied.
6. Conclusion and future work
6.1 Conclusion for vision-based human activity recognition
6.2 Recommendations for future work
This chapter will discuss the limitation and unsettled issues of the V-HAR, several recommendations will be given for the future direction.