Voluntary Taxation (or Opt-In Taxation) is an innovative means to decrease tensions and extremism, prevent partisanism, riots and revolution whilst ensuring the vast majority of folk who pay tax become fully satisfied with life.
Opt-In was birthed due to class inequality and the unequal sharing of burdens, for instance:
Middle-class liberals in California may desire to have open borders, may desire to imprison killers, terrorists and paedophiles for decades at great expense to all taxpayers rather than insisting capital punishment should return, which would serve as both deterrent and punishment, and may also desire for the nation to house, feed, educate and nurture ten million non-integrating refugees from faraway lands.
Yet, the working-class conservative who has no savings, who is stung by recessions and foreign job competitors and who needs to pay as little tax as possible in order to survive and thrive legally, who does not desire welfare or 'free stuff', wants none of the things his privileged liberal middle-class cousin wants, including social or demographic change, demands a referendum on Voluntary Taxation.
The middle-class internationalist liberal would hate paying higher taxes to fund a border wall.
The working-class nationalist conservative would hate paying higher taxes to fund free housing and healthcare for millions of illegal immigrants who entered his nation against the will of the majority-because it's not free; the native working man is footing the bill, against his will.
This is where Opt-In Taxation comes in.
It is hard to be truly angry at the government or nation if you are not being bankrupted by sky-high taxes and stealth taxes (violent and sexual offenders being released solely into working-class neighbourhoods, for instance, is one such stealth tax or unequal hurt).
If you are only expected to 'pay for what you want', gone will be radicalism, gone will be so much hate, with all sides winning as the poor are no longer compelled to fund mass immigration, refugees, abortion, and socialised medicine whilst the privileged few and corporations are empowered to be able to pay more in tax in order to get whatever they want. This is true democracy, true equality and fair play.
If you desire for the government to pay for refugees, foreign aid, abortion, socialised medicine, and free methadone for drug addicts you will be able to tick a box on a simple form in order to pay higher taxes.
Folk who desire a bigger state and higher taxes would all opt in to pay higher taxes.
Folk who desire a small state, low taxes and greater individual freedoms and responsibilities would choose not to opt in as they notice their finances improving as the finances of those who choose to opt in to pay higher taxes worsen, creating equality.
In a well-functioning nation with voluntary taxation and capital punishment in place (certain to be introduced following a referendum) and importantly also the People's Protection Contract in tandem with the Welfare Loan System, which are both introduced within this work, no tax dollars would be needed for border walls or border security due to the changes and improvements suggested within Voluntary Taxation and Capital Punishment: For a Just, Equal and Corruption-Free Society-which will:
Deter ALL illegal immigration ✓
Empower the people ✓
End voter apathy ✓
Spread equality and justice ✓
Effortlessly end crime ✓
Terminate corruption ✓
Create peaceful, well-ordered, proud, joyous and optimistic societies everywhere ✓
Voluntary Taxation and Capital Punishment is the third book in The UnWoke, Anti-Hate, Anti-Guilt Series of Books.