Whether you are an author, a student of creative writing, or considering publication, this is the first book you should read. In concise, easy-to-read English, in a series of over 80 bullet points, it provides an overview of the rapidly changing world of fiction. It exposes and clarifies many of the conflicting arguments regarding publication, suggests areas of study, and offers simple, practical advice on how to proceed with your own personal writing goals.
Waymarks for Authors includes: About the Author, READ ME, Aims and ObjectivesSection One, The World of Fiction; Waymarks 1-17: Writing Fiction's a Doddle; What's in a Story; Truths, Themes, and Symbols; Why Read Fiction; If You Read Fiction You Can Write it; The Learning Process; It's Okay to Walk Away; The Commercial Machine; The Demise of the Bookstore; Write What You Know; Literary Fiction; A Good Hook or a Good Book; Why Write; The Art and the Craft; The Muse; Genre and Target Audience; Reviewing
Section Two, Skill Building: Waymarks 18-48: Scaffolding and Openings; Story Arc; Plotting or Pantsing; Synopsis, Blurb and Outline; Voice; Grammar and Punctuation; Dialogue; Characterisation; Narrative Viewpoint; Head-Hopping; Tone; Show, Don't Tell; Prose; Tension; Foreshadowing; Backstory; Subtext; Poetry; Ruses; Beginning and Endings; Clichés, Similes and Metaphors; Bad Habits and Weak Words; Romancing is Not a Crime; Structural Editing; Fine Tuning; Beta Readers; Criticism and Critiques; Writing Courses; Professional Editors; Formatting; Writers' Software
Section Three, Publication: Waymarks 49-58, Slush Pile; Mainstream Publishing; Submitting Mainstream; Rejection; Self-Publishing; Self-Publishing; Vanity or Entrepreneurial; Fleecing the Wannabe Writer; Online Publishers; Pseudonyms; Marketing Your Work
Section Four, Self Publishing: Waymarks 59-81, Self-Publishing Basics; Copyright; ISBN; Book Cover; Book Title; Author Website; Sales Platforms; Gaining Reviews; Permafree Books; Book Giveaways; Book Funnels; List-Building; Prize Draws; Mail Providers; Newsletters; Writing by the Yard; Audio Books; Promotional Videos & YouTube; Crowd Funding; Presentations and Book Signings; Other Marketing Ideas; Advertising;Acknowledgements; Suggested Reading; Conclusion; Addendum; Acknowledgements