"Ever heard about a dad so tough that the whole town talks about him? Who was this father in Hawthorne that made even his own family super careful around him?"
This book dives deep into their world, shaped and overshadowed by the head of their family, fondly (or not so fondly) nicknamed the "Rottweiler". Now, if you're thinking of a loyal dog, think again. This Rottweiler wasn't the protective kind; he was more like a storm that wouldn't pass. But storms, no matter how fierce, do end.
And end it did. The Rottweiler left, and with that departure, the title shouts a truth: "We Are Happy Our Father is Dead". It might sound harsh, but it's pure, unfiltered honesty. Picture a house, once always under dark clouds, suddenly kissed by the sun. That's what it was like for the Olivers. Without the Rottweiler's gloomy presence, a surprising kind of sunshine filled their home: joy, laughter, hope - feelings they didn't know they could freely feel.
But it's not all sunshine. There are struggles, doubts, and some rainy days. Through simple words, this book lets you walk beside the Oliver siblings as they find their way in this sunnier, Rottweiler-free world. Can they shake off the shadows? Can they truly be happy? Or does the past, like an old, forgotten bone, come back to haunt?
For those who love tales of families, of struggles and second chances, and of finding bright spots even in dark times, this book is a must-read. Plus, if you've ever felt trapped or overshadowed, the Olivers might just show you the way out. So, if you're ready for a roller-coaster of emotions, for some tears, a lot of smiles, and a hearty dose of hope, grab your copy. Dive into Hawthorne's most talked-about tale and discover for yourself: What happens when the Rottweiler's gone? Don't just hear about it, read it and feel the sunlight for yourself.