Anita Nahal's third volume of poetry is her best till date, a monument to her astounding ability to create an infinity lemniscate, a myriad of overlapping worlds, dazzling us in and out of micro and macro universes of our most personal intimacies to burning societal issues of our time. No bedside table, no college or university shelf that aims at opening minds to the interlinkage of important personal and societal issues should be left without a copy of Nahal's enlightening prose poetry.
Dr. Gerrit Dielissen, Professor of Sociology, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Anita Nahal's is a distinguished poetic voice. She is here to stay-to immortalize poetry and to commemorate herself. I cannot agree more with her, that there is nothing wrong with us Kali women! In solidarity and sisterhood,
Professor Nandini Sahu, Poet, Folklorist, Director of School of Foreign Languages, IGNOU, New Delhi, India
This collection of richly dramatic and evocative prose poems is a jewel in feminist, transnational poetics. Anita Nahal defies comfortable characterization in her writings and is irreplaceable.
Phillip Hall, Author of Sweetened in Coals, Fume, and Cactus; Publisher of Burrow, Australia
Anita Nahal is a gift from the Hindu Goddesses whose powers she invokes in her passionate, pensive, prose poetry through the eyes of an Indian-American renaissance woman, deftly weaving words from two languages to paint this linguistic masterpiece!
Everett Vann Eberhardt, J.D., (Retired) Attorney, Professor, Director of Equity, Diversity & Legal Affairs, NOVA C.C., Fairfax, US