The economic impact of society's attempts to rehabilitate and contain psychopathically disordered individuals can be enormous. Understanding the nature of these disorders, developing accurate and valid assessment methods, and providing effective treatment and safe management cannot be underestimated. Including contributions from an international panel of experts from Europe, North America, and Asia, this two-volume set offers an in-depth, multidisciplinary look at key aspects of the development and etiology of psychopathic disorders; current methods of intervention, treatment, and management; and how these disorders impact decision-making in civil and criminal law.
The most comprehensive major reference work available on psychopathy and the law, The Wiley International Handbook on Psychopathic Disorders and the Law, 2nd Edition
- Covers the full history and conceptual development of psychopathic disorders
- Provides unique and enlightening perspectives on the subject from some of the world's most well-renowned professionals in the field
- Looks at the etiology and pathogenesis of psychopathic disorders
- Examines current methods for the intervention, treatment, and management of ADHD, antisocial behavior, and impulsive aggression
- Provides in-depth discussions of civil and criminal law issues
The Wiley International Handbook on Psychopathic Disorders and the Law, 2nd Edition is a must-have reference for practitioners and academics in clinical psychology, forensic psychology, psychiatry, probation, law, law enforcement, and social work.
About the Author: ALAN R. FELTHOUS, M.D., is Professor and Director of the Forensic Psychiatry Division, Saint Louis University School of Medicine. Past President or Vice President of several national forensic organizations and current senior editor of Behavioral Sciences and the Law, Professor Felthous' major interests are antisocial and aggressive behavior and the legal aspects of preventing clinical violence. He has written and lectured extensively and internationally on these topics.
HENNING SAß, M.D., Prof. Emeritus, was trained at the Department of Psychiatry, Medical Faculty of the Heidelberg University. He held the chair of Forensic Psychiatry at the University of Munich and the chair of Psychiatry at the University of Technology, RWTH Aachen. He was president of the German Society for Psychiatry (DGPPN) and of the European Psychiatric Association (EPA). His publishing activities were in the fields of diagnostic research, personality disorders, and general psychopathology in the sense of Jaspers. Currently his main activities are forensic psychiatric reports in criminal and civil Law.