Book Description
Waterfowl, waterfowl, flap flap flap...
Find their perfect match on the wing.
Seasonal partners, lifelong partners, clap clap clap...
Prepare for the breeding season in full swing.
Let your imagination fly and join Andrea Voon in identifying 12 types of waterfowl in a unique way. Each waterfowl has its characteristics and talents:
Recycling agents, flight attendants, divers, Powwow dancers, Chinese opera actors, clam diggers, opticians, lute players, tour guides, landscapers, teachers, and authors.
Where do they live? What do they do?
With the help of fantastic pictures and bilingual bouncy rhyme, readers will learn some fun facts about these waterfowl.
From the Back Cover
* A fantastic bilingual picture book in Chinese and English! *
Who has webbed feet? Who can dive?
Who is terrestrial? Who is aquatic?
Who mate for a season? Who mate for life?
Lovely waterfowl are busy preparing for the breeding season on the wing.
* 一本适合亲子趣读的中、英双语绘本。 *绘本的中、英文各成一律,各有韵味,建议读者以单一语言展开阅读。家长可先选一种语言和孩子阅读一遍,再鼓励孩子们以另一种语言阅读,以促进母语与第二语言的双向学习。阅读的同时,家长可以和孩子聊一聊诗句的内容,探讨北美洲的鸟类,其生活习性和特征。
About the Author
Over the past few years, Andrea has learned and grown with her family as a full-time mother in Canada. Back in Malaysia, she was a Chinese immersion elementary school teacher.
In 2021, Andrea started her journey as an author. Growing up in a multilingual environment, Andrea loves the beauty of languages on their own.
She has the vision to publish picture books to support bilingual families in raising their children in English and Chinese reading.
温妈咪创作的灵感,源自于多年来的童言童语。 2021年,她成立了"温室工作坊",立志出版一系列的中、英双语绘本,结合母语和第二语言,提倡亲子趣读。精通三语的温妈咪理解每一种语言都有其独特的艺术形式,因此创作的双语绘本也各含韵味、各具特色。