Chapter 1: Introduction to Wireshark
Chapter Goal: The goal of the chapter is to help the readers understand the need for Wireshark tool and what are the various ways to install the tool on different operating systems.
No of pages 20-30
Sub -Topics
1. Introduction to Network Traffic Analysis
a. Network Sniffing 2. Wireshark
a. Installing Wireshark
3. Setting up Port Mirroring
a. SPAN on Cisco IOS/IOS-XE
b. SPAN on Cisco Nexus
c. Enabling Port Mirroring on Arista EOS
d. Enabling Port Mirroring on JunOS
Chapter 2: Getting Familiar with Wireshark
Chapter Goal: The goal of this chapter is to familiarize the readers with the wireshark tools, its capabilities and how it can be used in different scenarios.
No of pages: 40-50
Sub - Topics
1. Overview of Wireshark Tool
a. Wireshark Preferences
2. Performing Packet Capture
a. Dissectors
b. Configuration Profiles
c. Filtering with Wireshark
3. Wireshark Capture Files
a. PCAP vs. PCAPng
b. Splitting Packet Captures into multiple files
c. Merging multiple capture files
4. Analyzing packets in Wireshark
a. OSI Model
b. Analyzing packets
Chapter 3: Analyzing Layer-2 and Layer-3 Traffic
Chapter Goal: The goal of this chapter is to familiarize the readers how to analyze layer-2 and layer-3 traffic and the various fields that one needs to look at when analyzing network traffic.
No of pages: 60-70
Sub - Topics
1. Layer-2 Frames a. Ethernet Frames
2. Layer-3 Packets
a. Address Resolution Protocol b. IPv4 Packets
c. IPv6 Packets
3. Analyzing QoS Markings Chapter 4: Analyzing Layer-4 Traffic
Chapter Goal: Goal of this chapter is to help the readers how to analyze TCP and UDP traffic streams and how to identify packet loss issues
No of pages 40-50
Sub - Topics:
1. Understanding TCP/IP Model
a. Problem of Ownership
2. Transmission Control Protocol
a. TCP Flags
b. TCP 3-way Handshake
c. Port Scanning
d. Investigating Packet Loss
e. Troubleshooting with Wireshark Graphs
f. TCP Expert
3. User Datagram Protocol
Chapter 5: Analyzing Routing Protocol Traffic
Chapter Goal: Goal of this chapter is to help the readers get familiar with various routing protocol packet formats and to identify any possible issues with those protocols
No of pages 40-50
Sub - Topics:
1. Routing Protocols
4. PIM
2. Analyzing Overlay Traffic
1. GRE