I imagine being a little nine-year-old girl and whose whole existence
is changed in one visit by her grandmother. Despite her strong and
ingrained Christian belief, she discovers that she is a magical-a natural
and special witch whose mistakes as a young child were part of what
comes naturally. However, her being special is her undoing for her
and her true love. Follow the adventure of Em and Max, to discover
their true selves in a world intent on keeping the two captives: wizard
versus witch and what comes out of the battle and how their love
holds the two together.
Michelle Barlow Casilla is originally from Los Angeles. She
transitioned to Northern California where she raised her three
children. She also gained her degree from UC, Davis. She also worked
in local government and now with eight grandchildren, and now she
has recently retired and done what she has always wanted to do:
enjoying the grandkids' soccer games and baseball games. Now she
is doing what she has always loved, like developing stories. She loves
her two cats, Yaya and Grimie.