About the Book
In Book 2 of The Wizard Without a Wand, Jenie Maloy tells us her version of what happened during her first year at Wizard School. While it's the same story as Shmedley Thrumbledack's story in Book 1 of this series, we learn different things. For one thing, it's told from a different person's perspective. For another, Jenie remembers more things than Schmedley.Jenie Maloy is one of the Tensome - a group of ten kind students who somehow end up together in their dorm - Hotel Westly. Jenie doesn't want her parent to find about her friends, because every time they do, she quickly loses those friends. Jenie thinks she wants to hang with the super-rich kids. She also wants to hang out with boys, several boys, enough boys to drive her parents nuts. But she finds that hanging with the Tensome is what she really wants to do. And she learns that she has a gift she has always wanted, but which she always thought she never had. In this book, we are introduced to the rest of the Tensome and to the rest of the Teachers. Rating G; Reading Level Easy 5th Grade; Longest Word: IncomprehensiblyJennie Malloy is a young teenage girl. The day before she heads to Wizard School, she changes her name to Jenie Maloy. She hopes people will mistake her name for Genie. Her parents give her a magic diary. She can write whatever she wants to in the diary and then look it up remotely, later when she needs to know it. Her magic diary won't let her cheat on schoolwork. But it does help her remember things, especially the names of all those boys.Jenie's parents give her the choice of riding the Train to Wizard School or riding the Bus. Even though Jenie knows that she'll totally loathe riding on the Bus, she agrees to do so. Jenie figures that riding the Bus to Wizard School is the right thing to do. And doing the right thing will get her into Hotel UpAbove where all the super-rich kids stayed. Well, maybe she'd only end up in Hotel Northby where the rich, but not super-rich, kids stayed. However, something went terribly wrong. For Jenie Maloy ended up in Hotel Westly. Yet, as soon as she met the hotel clerk Pinkshny Shmerimidan, she knew that they would be best friends, even though Pinkshny was several years older.Some stories about Wizard Schools are rather dark. This one is mysterious, yet light. And there's lots of humor. There will be surprises. And you'll like the ending. This is book two of a ten book series.Genre - Fantasy, Magic, Young Adult (YA), Perhaps Middle Grades (MG), Dragons, Dinosaurs.Wizard Schools seem to have certain things in common. Dragons for instance. But Dinosaurs? Yep, this Wizard school also has those. They also have bullies as do other Wizard Schools. How will Schmedley be able to defend himself from them without his wand? Giants, perhaps. One of the students is very tall and very muscular. Most Wizard Schools have Dormitories. Sometimes they're called houses. This Wizard School calls them hotels. The students at all Wizard Schools cast spells. In this one, they all have other special, magical abilities. If this were a book about superheros, those talents might be called superpowers. They all have teachers or professors, and principals or headmasters or headmistresses. And there are always tests, both the formal and informal kind.
About the Author: About Dale Stubbart I have written and self-published over 50 books. I also help author authors get their works self-published. My wife and I enjoy several worlds - the spiritual one, the natural one, the fantasy one, and the human one. Our goal is to live in Paradise. I publish all of my books as both paperbacks and e-books. I publish most of my books as audio books. This gives readers the widest possibly array of formats in which to become part of my stories, depending on which reading method works best for them. I write books in several genres. In some of my books, I share personal stories. Sometimes somebody sees me as a character in one of my books. But then that character does something, which would totally be out of character for me. They say that people write about what they know. I don't let that stop me from writing about the unknowable. I'm a Spiritual Consultant and write spiritual books including Our Seven Brains, The Language of the Wind, and Yellow Bear. I write sci-fi / fantasy books including The Dancer, The Wizard without a Wand, and Dragon's Tears. I write reference books including Consulting 101 - The Basics, and The Word of the Rose. I write food books including Browse and Bask the Book of Life and Other Restaurants I've Dreamed Of, and Strawberry Cheesecake Applesauce. My fiction books including Thunderation, The Night the Stars Went Away, and Just Like Down Home. My children's books include Capri, Danwe of the Vase, and Of Violet and Brunettes. I'm a Computer Consultant. My computer books include Designing Your Website to Use Less Energy, In Search of a Right-Brained Computer, and Hi5ive. My romance books include Gill McGillicutty, Ribo Quadrilobe, and Every Man's Dream or Nightmare as the Case May Be. I'm an Environmental Lifestyle Consultant. My save the Earth books include The Xybrid Vehicle, Saving the Earth One Beard at a Time, and Traveling with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities. Poems that Make you Smile is my poetry book. I also include poetry and very short stories in some of my other books. Most of my books are not limited to one category or genre. My books are not formulaic or boring. My books are clean, uplifting, fun, and humorous. People say they find themselves right there in my books. They've compared my writing to Richard Bach - Jonathon Livingston Seagull. They tell me that What Would Terry Do? is the funniest book they've ever read. In this book I relate my difficulties in making friends.