Word Study: Letter Name-Alphabetic Sorts for Spanish-Speaking Multilingual Learners is the ideal stage-specific companion to Word Study with Multilingual Learners. Beginning with picture concept sorts, it provides strategies to help teachers make sorting meaningful. The text develops a routine for introducing English vocabulary, helping students learn the vocabulary before they sort. Words for study are selected based on their phonetic properties as well as their usefulness in reading, speaking and understanding grade-level content, addressing the needs of any letter name-alphabetic speller, whether young or not so young.
About the Author: About our authors Lori Helman is associate professor in literacy education in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Minnesota. Her research and writing have focused extensively on the reading and spelling development of students learning English as a new language. She has also edited a text for teachers, Literacy Development with English Learners.
Donald R. Bear is director of the E. L. Cord Foundation Center for Learning and Literacy where he and preservice, Master's and doctoral students teach and assess children who struggle to learn to read and write. Donald is a professor in the Department of Educational Specialties in the College of Education at the University of Nevada, Reno. Donald has been a classroom teacher and he researches and writes about literacy development and instruction. He is an author of numerous articles, book chapters, and books.
Marcia Invernizzi is Director of the McGuffey Reading Center at the University of Virginia exploring developmental universals in non-English orthographies. A former English and reading teacher, Marcia works with children experiencing difficulties learning to read and write in intervention programs such as Virginia's Early Intervention Reading Initiative and Book Buddies.
Shane Templeton is Foundation Professor of Literacy Studies at the University of Nevada, Reno. A former classroom teacher at the primary and secondary levels, he researches the development of orthographic and vocabulary knowledge
Francine Johnston is Associate Professor in the School of Education at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, where she teaches reading, language arts, and children's literature. A former first-grade teacher and reading specialist.