Winner of the 2018 Book Excellence Award
"...a powerful account of ambition and hope, despair, and rejuvenation...Readers should anticipate a gritty, determined, street-wise voice to these poems..." - Diane Donovan/San Francisco Relocated
It is often the unspoken words that hurt us the most.
In order to break the silence of abuse, we must find our voice again.
After suffering through a failed marriage and difficult divorce, the main character searches for and finds 'Mr. Wonderful'. But appearances are not what they seem. Life with Mr. Wonderful quickly catapults her into a world of addictions, infidelities, and crushing depression.
Author and Editor, Diane Donovan, of San Francisco Relocated, describes the book as "a powerful account of ambition and hope, despair, and rejuvenation"..."documented in verse and accompanied by black and white line drawings..."
If you are or ever have been in a tumultuous relationship where abuse or addictions were an issue, Words Never Spoken will help you begin the healing process.
As each chapter ends, you will be challenged to relate the stories to your own personal experiences, taking pen to paper, and answering the questions on the journal lines provided, as well as through the web site's intimate blog discussions.
Words Never Spoken has the power to BREAK THE SILENCE and chapter at a time.