About the Book
He who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. (John 14:12)
Through the words and ministry of E. W. Kenyon and Don Gossett, you will discover what happened in their lives--and what can take place in your own life. Find out how you can...
- Walk in divine health and wholeness
- Overcome the power of evil
- Experience God's power in your life
- Perform the miracles that Christ did
- See the "incurable" healed
- Lead the lost to Christ
- Minister in God's anointing Here you will discover how you can personally receive God's healing touch and how God can use you to bring healing to others. You will learn to use the Words That Move Mountains.
About the Author:
Dr. E. W. Kenyon (1867-1948) was born in Saratoga County, New York. At age nineteen, he preached his first sermon. He pastored several churches in New England and founded the Bethel Bible Institute in Spencer, Massachusetts. This school later became the Providence Bible Institute when it was relocated to Providence, Rhode Island.
Kenyon served as an evangelist for over twenty years. In 1931, he became a pioneer in Christian radio on the Pacific Coast with his show
Kenyon's Church of the Air, for which he earned the moniker "The Faith Builder." He also began the New Covenant Baptist Church in Seattle.
In addition to his pastoral and radio ministries, Kenyon wrote extensively. Among his books are the Bible courses
The Bible in the Light of Our Redemption: From Genesis Through Revelation and
Studies in the Deeper Life: A Scriptural Study of Great Christian Truths, and more than twenty other works, including
The Wonderful Name of Jesus,
Two Kinds of Faith,
In His Presence: The Secret of Prayer,
The Blood Covenant,
The Hidden Man,
Jesus the Healer,
New Creation Realities, and
Two Kinds of Righteousness.
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Don Gossett (1929-2014) served the Lord in active ministry for more than sixty years as pastor, worldwide evangelist, missionary, and longtime broadcaster. Born again at age twelve, Don answered his call to the ministry just five years later and began by reaching out to his unsaved family members. He apprenticed with many well-known evangelists, including William Freeman, Raymond T. Richey, Jack Coe, and T. L. Osborn.
Don's acclaimed daily radio broadcast,
Bold Bible Living, began in 1961 and was heard in eighty-nine nations over the years. As a missionary evangelist, he personally ministered in sixty-five nations with signs and wonders following the Word of God.
Don authored several bestselling books, including
What You Say Is What You Get,
There's Dynamite in Praise,
Living Without Fear, and
I'm Sold on Being Bold. His writings have been translated into eighteen languages, with more than 25 million copies in print.