Chapter 1. Ostracism Applied to the workplace
Chapter 2. Exploring the Overlap Among Workplace Ostracism, Mistreatment, and Related Constructs
Chapter 3. Antecedents of Workplace Ostracism
Chapter 4. Emotional, Cognitive and Physiological Responses to Workplace Ostracism
Chapter 5. Workplace Ostracism and Employee Prosocial and Antisocial Organizational Behavior
Chapter 6. Performance Consequences of Workplace Ostracism
Chapter 7. Experiences of Different Racial/Ethnic Groups and Immigrant Employees
Chapter 8. Workplace Ostracism among Gender, Age, and LGBTQ Minorities, and People with Disabilities
Chapter 9. Research Methods for Studying Workplace Ostracism
About the Author: Cong Liu is Professor of Psychology at Hofstra University, USA. Her current research projects examine workplace mistreatment, such as workplace ostracism, interpersonal conflict, and abusive supervision. She is interested in how cultural values, such as interpersonal harmony values, affect employees' workplace interactions. Her work has appeared on Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Management, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, and Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. She is the associate editor of International Journal of Stress Management.
Jie Ma is Associate Professor in the School of Management at Lanzhou University, China. His research interests include cognitive appraisals of workplace stressors, and positive organizational psychology. His current research projects are concerned about how personal factors (e.g., personality traits, and motivational orientation) affect employee cognitive appraisals of job demands, and how different forms of appraisals differentially impact employee work motivation, wellbeing and work behaviors. His research has been published on Journal of Vocational Behavior, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, and International Journal of Stress Management.