1. Screening for Factors Involved in X Chromosome Inactivation using Haploid ESCs
Asun Monfort, Giulio Di Minin, and Anton Wutz
2. Unbiased Genetic Screen to Identify Factors Involved in X-chromosome Inactivation Using a Pooled Bar-coded shRNA Library
Benoit Moindrot and Neil Brockdorff
3. Unbiased Genetic Screen to Identify Factors Involved in X-chromosome Inactivation Using a Pooled Bar-coded shRNA Library
Benoit Moindrot and Neil Brockdorff
4. Manipulation of Xist Imprinting in Mouse Pre-implantation Embryos
Atsushi Fukuda, Akihiro Umezawa, and Hidenori Akutsu
5. Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer in Mice - Basic Protocol and Its Modification for Correcting X Chromosome Inactivation Status
Kimiko Inoue, Shogo Matoba, and Atsuo Ogura
6. Live Imaging of Xist RNA Osamu Masui, Edith Heard, and Haruhiko Koseki
7. Live Imaging of X-chromosome Inactivation and Reactivation Kinetics
Shin Kobayashi
8. Visualizing the Dynamics of Inactive X chromosomes in Living Cells Using Antibody-based Fluorescent Probes
Yuko Sato, Timothy J Stasevich, and Hiroshi Kimura
9. Visualization of Hidden Epitopes at the Inactive X Chromosome
Emma R Stewart and Dawn Coverley
10. Chromosome Spread Analyses of Meiotic Sex Chromosome Inactivation Kris G. Alavattam, Hironori Abe, Akihiko Sakashita, and Satoshi H. Namekawa
11. Simultaneous RNA-DNA FISH in Mouse Pre-implantation Embryos
Aristea Magaraki, Agnese Loda, Joost Gribnau, and Willy M. Baarends
12. Combined Immunofluorescence, RNA FISH and DNA FISH in Pre-implantation Mouse Embryos
Ikuhiro Okamoto
13. RNA-FISH and Immunofluorescence of Mouse Pre- and Post-implantation Embryos
Hirosuke Shiura, Yuka Sakata, Kuniya Abe, and Takashi Sado
14. Experimental Analysis of Imprinted Mouse X-chromosome Inactivation
Marissa Cloutier, Clair Harris, Srimonta Gayen, Emily Maclary, and
Sundeep Kalantry
15. X-chromosome Inactivation and Escape from X inactivation in Mouse
Wenxiu Ma, Giancarlo Bonora, Joel B Berletch, Xinxian Deng, William S. Noble, and Christine M. Disteche
16. Practical Analysis of Hi-C Data: Generating A/B Compartment Profiles
Hisashi Miura, Rawin Poonperm, Saori Takahashi, and Ichiro Hiratani