Marianist Father Emil Neubert was one of the foremost authorities on Marian devotion in the 20th century.
He wrote Marian books for every state of life. And he wrote "Your Heavenly Mom" to help children easily develop a close relationship with the Blessed Virgin Mary within a short time, even if other books have failed to help them.
In fact, Fr. Neubert promises your child...
"My little friend,
"You love your Mother in Heaven very much. And you know that the more you love her, the more you please Jesus and the more she will give you graces.
"This little book can help you there. It will tell you the life of your Mother in Heaven and the great things that God has done for her. It will also tell you what she expects of you.
"If you know her well and if you love her with your whole heart, a day will come when she will call you near her and Jesus. You will see them and love them, Him and her, and you will be happy with them throughout all eternity."
"If you try hard thus to live your consecration to Mary in all your actions, your Mother will guard you from all sin, fill you with graces, and take you one day close to her in Heaven" (p.26).
"God and Mary speak to you through your parents and your teachers. Obey them in order to obey your heavenly Mother!" (p.28)
St. Maximilian Kolbe was so impressed with Fr. Neubert's Marian books that he reached out and struck up a friendship with him. He encouraged everyone to read Fr. Neubert's Marian books, and he told his fellow Franciscans: "He has the exact same spirit as we have."
St. Maximilian also told his fellow Franciscans "the devotion taught by Blessed Grignion (St. Louis de Montfort - author of the "True Devotion to Mary") is ours exactly."
So, when you connect the dots, St. Maximilian said Fr. Neubert and St. Louis de Montfort taught the exact same Marian devotion.
And as you know, St. Louis wrote: "This devotion is an easy, short, perfect, and secure way of arriving at union with Our Lord, in which the perfection of a Christian consists" (True Devotion, #152).
Put simply, Fr. Neubert will help your child carry out Jesus' words: "Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect" (Mt. 5:48).
St. Maximilian wasn't the only one impressed with Fr. Neubert. Frank Duff, Founder of the Legion of Mary, also reached out and struck up a friendship with Fr. Neubert. Like St. Maximilian, he too exchanged letters with him. And he tirelessly promoted Fr. Neubert's books throughout Ireland.
What's more, Pope St. John XXIII said to the Legion of Mary: "The Legion of Mary presents the true face of the Catholic Church."
And if you've read the Legion of Mary handbook, you know the entire foundation of the Legion's spirituality is built on the writings of St. Louis de Montfort.
And since St. Maximilian said the writings of St. Louis and Fr. Neubert were animated by the same Marian spirit, then Fr. Neubert's Marian writings present the true face of the Catholic Church.
A respected priest said Father Neubert was "the only man I ever knew who could speak incessantly of the Blessed Virgin and always had something informative and interesting to say."
"Your Heavenly Mom" is so crammed full of enjoyable, proven ways to help Catholic children, that I am certain you will find in it the key to help you lead your child to a closer relationship with Mary.
And because St. Maximilian Kolbe and Frank Duff encouraged everyone to read Fr. Neubert's books, you don't risk a penny by trying it out.
Send today for your 30-day trial copy of "Your Heavenly Mom". If, for any reason, you're not as happy with Fr. Neubert as St. Maximilian and Frank Duff were, you can get a fast refund, with no questions asked, just by returning it. No questions asked.
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