Five Star Reviews!
This is the one real book for a great kid's party! GET THIS! - This one gets extra stars! I am half way through it and wanted to get up to make Zombie Eyes and a Punch with Hands and Eyeballs for an adult party coming up. I know this book is for kids and your kids will be talking about what you do for them from this book for a long time. !!!Every item is a winner. Start now, because come Halloween, you will have the best house on the block. Fun book. This author has turned this too proper guy into a living, breathing Zombie. I hope you too will let your hair down, put your arms back on and just know that your kids will look at you as President of Party Central!
Zombie Pary Ideas for Kids Rocks! - Zombie party Ideas for Kids was a blast to read. All the gory costumes and party food was incredible. When I got to the zombie boogers part I had to LOL...On a serious note if you are planning a party for a child and the theme is Zombies you will want to get this book. From costumes, to makeup, to party food, to fake blood recipes it has it all. P. T. Hersom has done a wonderful job with this book and I guarantee you will have fun reading it.
Great Zombie Games and Food - Cute book with lots of games and zombie party food. You'll be a hero with your kids
when you plan a party that they think is cool. Some of the recipes are gross looking just what
kids love. Grab it today and plan the ultimate zombie party.
Zombies Are the Big Rage
There's nothing more fun than to get a group of kids together and have a party. Even more so is to get into a themed event and allow their creative juices to flow. My kids are big time Zombie fans.
Recently, we planned an awesome Zombie party that turned out to be a huge hit. Even the adults got into it and had a blast. We were really cool parents, at least for one night. In my book I have described our night of fun in great detail but in a parent friendly way. We dressed the part, played tons of Zombie games, made some gross experiments, and ate lots of weird yet tasty Zombie treats.
All Zombie Approved. Enjoy!!
Zombie Jokes: Will Work for Brains
P. T. Hersom has also written "Zombie Jokes: Will Work for Brains... Zombie Approved Hilarious Jokes for Kids Age 6-14", which is part of the Zombie Approved series of books for kids and is a great complementary book to Zombie Party Ideas for Kids: How to Party Like a Zombie. Loaded with hilarious and funny jokes, get ready to laugh out loud with your kids! Moms, Zombies are the latest craze with all the kids and what a fun filled way to get your kids to read more.
Zombie Approved! Get it now on Kindle and paper.