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Ratnakaranda Shravakachara Of Samantabhadra: The Spiritual Life Of The Householder
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The Madman
Publisher: Aziloth Books
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29 Jan 2017
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Popular Books on Jainism in UAE

Are you a follower of Jainism? If yes, you would want to know about this religion. Jainism is based on three pillars of non- violence, non- absolutism and non- attachment. If you want to know more, then buy a book online on Bookswagon.

Books on Jainism in English

Here are some books on Jainism which you can buy from a books online store.

  1. Jainism: Great Spiritual WisdomThis is a must read spiritual guide on Jainism and to know more about one of the oldest religions in the world and it has a lot of spiritual wisdom enriched through its powerful teachings of living without fear, to be calm and non- attached, to practise non- violence, and have respect for all forms of life and to be compassionate and courageous, it has both profound and practical teachings of the rich traditions of Jainism and the spiritual masters of Jainism and these teachings are essential to live a life of fulfilment in the modern world.

  2. Seeking Serenity:  Embark on a journey of Jainism with the “The Art of Ahimsa" and exploring the principle of non - violence in thoughts, words and actions.  This book has quotes from sacred Jain scriptures and detailed illustrations to enhance your colouring experience and this is the best book on Jainismwhich will incorporate Jainism in your life and how to live a life of respect, compassion and serenity.
  3. Jainism Theory:  Jainism is an ancient Indian religion that guides us on a path to achieving bliss and liberation from this world through renunciation and through the guiding principles of Jainism such as right belief, right knowledge and right conduct. Ahimsa (non- violence) is the central principle of Jainism.  In this book, the author has mentioned how much religion matters to him, the need to have faith and how Jainism is important to follow in today’s world.
  4. On Indian Sect of Jainism:  This is a book written by Johann George Butler that delves into the history, beliefs and practices of Jain religion in India. Jainism originated in India in the 6th century BCE and adheres to strict vegetarianism, non- violence and asceticism. The author has provided a detailed account of Jainism and its impact on Indian society and its claim to universality and its place in Indian culture and history and how it can help in leading all men to salvation, and also describes sermons of Jinas.

Buy books online in the UAEon Bookswagon such as The Golden Book of Jainism, World Religion Activity Book and many such others, if you are researching Jainism, or are a follower of Jainism.

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